The Bee told me Close your eyes and look inside
The Pines told me Take time and space for yourself, and grow your roots deep
The Snake told me Leave your old skin behind
The dead Fish told me Swim or die
The Sea and the Sand Dunes told me Dance, enjoy yourself and have pleasure
The Swans told me Have a voice and speak up
The Spider showed me how to deconstruct and simplify the web
The Forest told me You are safe
The River told me Flow into the Sea and surrender
The Hare told me Run fast for your Soul
The Rain told me Be gentle to yourself
The Sunrise told me Rise and shine
The Meadow told me Welcome, Wildflower!
The Wind told me Face me and breath
The Puddle told me Don’t be afraid to get dirty
The Poem told me Don’t go back to sleep
The Dream told me the long sought Answer
The Circle of Women told me You are loved and supported
I told myself I am enough and I have my Superpowers
The Backpackers told me Let the journey begin
Mystery told me It is time to leave your old stories behind and write a new One
Sage told me Keep the deep listening
And I answered them in deep humility and love Thank you
And the black shining Raven on my Long way back home told me
Magic is right here