Butterfly with Caterpillars mind
December 12, 2020 at 1:13 pm,
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One day she woke up, stretched, and felt somehow different
But she did not pay attention to that
Her mind switched on and she did her daily routines
She went to work and got busy
On her way back home, she noticed beautiful butterfly hovering in the air
She was happy and excited about its appearance
She admired how graceful and delicate it was
A painful sensation of deep longing arrived
She sighed and hoped that one day she will also be able to fly and bring such a beauty into this world
Another day on her way to work again she noticed that other people were looking at her, smiling and rejoicing
She got confused and thought something was wrong with her appearance
She went to window case to examine herself
What she saw in reflection astonished her
She got magnificent butterfly wings on her back
She got scared. How is that possible? Why would she need wings?
How come she didn’t feel them?
It is too much attention and she do not even know how to use them
She decided to hide them!
Suddenly another butterfly appeared
Beautifully and playfully flittering around her
Her heart began to beat faster as she recognised it
And the next moment by her surprise she was hovering next to it
Her wings instinctively had lifted her up in the air
She felt happy to join butterfly’s sacred dance with the gentle wind
She enjoyed herself. They enjoyed themselves
And then she knew. She remembered
Her name was Inspiration
She was here to inspire people.. to dream and long for their own beautiful wings
Which they hid under their dark heavy coats and desperate hearts
Just by being who She Was