after enlightenment
a man goes to the marketplace
with harvest
such is Life
I don't remember anything from that night, but
there were wounds on my chest, shoulders and arms - bruises and black-and-blue marks
I suppose from resisting the Great Love
I had tattoos on my stomach
amazing and beautiful
my diary was full of riddles and rebuses
which I did not understand
He had left signs and instructions
Confirmations of his love
The footprints he left on the outside
stirred me deep inside
I was marked
I was destined for Him
From that night I looked for him and found him Everywhere
Markéta Irglová | Without a Map
I saw myself naked in a dream
I came out of waters
and walked among the clothed
confused at first and then more and more confident
enduring discomfort and tension
looks and comments
feeling more and more natural and true
as a Grandmother who knows what others don’t
we come here naked
internally and externally
and for survival purposes
we put on the layers
internally and externally
and then we spend half our lives searching
this natural nakedness of birth
so we can also leave naked
half a lifetime we dress up and half a lifetime we undress
if you ever see me naked
join in
take off some layer
it gets easier every time
Dragon’s Flames
It is in my Dragon nature to spit flames
I was taught
To suppress my fires
But now I am unlearning
The closer you will come
The bigger flames will surround you
But if you will be brave
They won't burn you
But will transform you
Like myself
A dream
We can walk together for a while
But I will have to go further
To the end
Where only a few go
There will be no cheering, no fanfare and no badges
Not even a greeting
Just quiet looks and reverence
I have to hurry a bit now
and to go without looking back
Thanks to those souls who paved the road with their skulls
Thanks to the magnet that keeps pulling me
Thanks to my soul that carries me on its shoulders and does the hard work to deliver me as far as she can go
Further I have to go by myself
“Rise, take up thy bed, and walk!"
And I walk
With my own feet
Even if these hardly touch the ground at times because the flow and the field are so strong
The waters have stirred
Oceans flow from my deep fountains of tears
Seas of gasps, moans and saliva
The road has been difficult
I am allowed to rest and relax
And I wake up
no one can acknowledge me
only myself
someone will say I have too much time
but I will say you have too little time
tiny apples
many tiny, unripe apples fall to the ground before time
and I wonder
or they selflessly give place to the powerful
or childishly do not want to ripen
they return to the bosom of the earth
barely born
and with the juices of life rise again from the roots
in a fruitful apple tree that gives life forever and buries her children forever
No apologies
My ways
May not match
With your ways
And I am learning not to apologize
For that
and I don't want it to be easy, comfortable, pretty, on the surface
I want it to be real, deep, to the bones and insides
I'm not saying it can't be easy there
but there are many sad shadows
bitter pleasure and sweet pain
The chosen ones
Humanity is like Saul
We must wander in the darkness blind and deaf
And must become dazzled by the light
We must fall to be healed
We must pray to be sighted and hearing
And the Messenger of God who will doubt will lay hands on us
May our emptiness be filled with the Holy Spirit
Scales will fall from the eyes and ears
We will be fed and watered
And we will draw strength for New Life in Christ
We are the chosen ones
I like me
Everything is exactly the same as before
Only Differently
My Life is no longer my own
But I own so much
Every moment
Everything is exactly the same as before
Only I like myself
And I like life
I let it move me and I move with me
Begin before you're ready
That's how I began this year
Ready to never be ready
Ready is finished
Who would want to be like that?
I began to Be
Dancing with the Divine
Awkward and slow
The number of steps disappearing
Feeling the Heart
But before that, I was hurting from my emptiness for 38 years
Now I can begin to ache from my fullness
The Last Battle
At dawn I thought
What is after the final battle?
What happens when the internal war is over?
What is it when peace is at peace with restlessness?
What is it when Heaven is already here?
Questions swell like clouds and soon they are again driven away by the wind.. in one of them I am allowed to linger and who knows - maybe even go through
I am wrapped in a cloud of ignorance
And it is good here
But I am not allowed to sleep much
The battle after the last battle is no longer a battle
But the Way
The Truth
And the Life
Me, myself and I
What I can name is too small for me
What I can feel is too big for me
When I am human, I am longing for God
When I am God, I am longing to be Human
Between God and Human there is no between
And still I see MySelf in this [space]
How to be in this tension?
I am not interested in your light
I am not interested in your light
It's easy to love
I am interested in your darkness
What you avoid, hide and run
What is disgusting, ugly and dirty
What smells and rots
What you've locked in basement with many keys
What you're ashamed of
What drives you crazy
What attacks you at night and strangles you
Or constantly lurks from the pitch-black corner
Your cobwebs, snakes and toads
Your rubbish and sewerage
Your tears of despair
Your numbness and apathy
I am interested in Your Demons, Shadows and Wounds
So I can love that all too
A thread
My thread is Love
It was revealed in Nature
Nature was revealed in me
And I was revealed in other People
I no longer know where the thread begins and where it ends
We are patched together crosswise
First Aid Kit | My Silver Lining
I do not know
I do not know
Am I hanging and holding on
Am I standing and holding
Am I flying
Or falling
I do not know
And I surrender to ignorance
Did you know it is damn hard?
And damn vast.. so much space
Golden Dawn Arkestra | Stargazer
How many deaths will it take
For me to break
I challenge the storms
Turn Dragons into Unicorns
And back
No suffering is too painful
No night is too dark
No fear is too scary
No light is too bright
That’s all in my sight
It doesn’t matter if I meet an angel or a demon
I can make magic happen
Solid and firm
Transparent and permeable
Soft and strong
Is where I belong
Like a tin
Through the fire and water
I dissolve and change my shape
When you breathe into me
How many salvations and resurrections will it take
My Beloved
For you to unmake
It doesn’t matter anymore
I am free
Even if only for a blink
Florence + The Machine | Free - The Blessed Madonna Remix
To My Father
It is as hard to say I love you as to say I don't love you
And it is not about saying
It is about truly feeling both
Loving and not loving
Acknowledging my human-divine Self
My Matter and My Spirit
One shoe is too big and other is too small for me
How to dance if I barely walk
But I hesitate to take them off
How and who would I be
Let me feel it for a while
And immerse my feet into the wild
Before I can fully give myself to you
Breath myself into you
And join your dance of freedom