28 Feb, 2023,
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The mist
Can't see beyond a step
I trust that and the next one
And I go
Nothing special
15 Feb, 2023,
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I know more than I understand
For example, the fact that a coin has only one side
Or none
But I try not to think about what I think
And about what I do not think
The thinker disappears
When there is nothing to think about
Nothing special
Nothing important
13 Feb, 2023,
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In middle age
I came
At the beginning of the road
That is happiness
To come home and eat the most delicious stew in the world at midnight
That is happiness
To sit at dawn
on my meditation cushion and just be
That is happiness
To have my morning coffee next to my diary before everyone else wakes up
That is happiness
To welcome and greet a new day
That is happiness
To return to my comfort zone, where everything is so (fore)seeable
I don't need any other happiness, just these
Small, ordinary, everyday ones
Here not there
Now not then
To Be
Now I know why I had to give up all my savings for this one…and I would give more.
What is beyond
4 Feb, 2023,
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I'm not interested in
Your astrology
Or numerology
Not in your heads
Or tails
Not what you eat
Not what you say
Not your friends
Not your lineage
Not where you live
Not what you do
Not who you follow
Not who you believe
I am interested in
What is behind
My and your ideas
About you
The way knows the Way
30 Jan, 2023,
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To know the way
We go the way
And become the way
Because only the way knows the way
Tibetans say that if we know one way, we walk them all... well, they might know what they are saying after meditating for so long 🙂
The way is a powerful metaphor and image. The path of life is winding and opaque like a maze, with so much unknown and scary, but we keep going.. we keep being called by the nameless.
For the first time in the "role" of a meditation teacher, I saw a wide runway in front of me on which to land my heavy boeing...
24 Jan, 2023,
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I love men more and more
Having gone through my transferences, projections, pains and fears
I draw strength and courage from my masculine side
To be a Woman
22 Jan, 2023,
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Do you cringe when you hear & read the word God?
Does it make you feel uneasy, uncomfortable, angry, annoyed?
Do you think that God is meant for softies, churchgoers and spiritual seekers?
God is not what you think
And God is all you think
Choose what to think 🙂
There are so many names to call him
And once you will not be ashamed
But you will say
Forgive me, God
I was told that I was taking everything deeply
Yes, and lightness tends to disappear in the depths
I hope to reach deep lightness someday 🙂
The deeper I go
The higher I get
Although I don't have to get anywhere (fingers crossed)
19 Jan, 2023,
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We want to get through
Deal with our problems and congestions
Solve Life
Like a sudoku or crossword puzzle
When the only thing we have to do is to
Allow Life to unravel us
Withstand the tension and stay open
Where life and I are not my own enemy
But the ally
When we imagine
We can do everything
We rape ourselves
And feed the illusions
18 Jan, 2023,
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You circle around me
Like a satellite around his Planet
But I orbit the Sun
We will never reach each other
Can we live with it?
You shine in the dark
And make my nights bright
But in the presence of the Sun
I leave you
Will you ever shine yourself
Or only reflect
And show me just one side?
I rotate among you on my axis
Like the tides
Never getting closer
Never letting near
What is the Planet's responsibility for her satellite?
Crooked mirrors
15 Jan, 2023,
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How to live?
When you finally remove
Your crooked mirror glasses
And everything seems so ordinary
How to live?
When you finally refuse
From flavor enhancers
And everything seems so savourless
How to live?
When untruth dies
But truth is not yet born
How to live?
In sadness of departing
In suspense of coming
How to live?
While the sight
Clears up
It takes time
While Consciousness
Clears up
9 Jan, 2023,
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I flirt and I bargain with God
Asking to give me the second plan, mass view and reservist roles
Because I am afraid
What is on his mind
Life is a theater
So many roles and characters
Maybe theater is life
Where to be your Self?
Life as meditation
8 Jan, 2023,
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Life as meditation
Constant return
To the Breath and Word
That keeps on the Road
That has no ending and no goal
Only the road and my steps
Every step is a path
It doesn't matter where it leads
All roads lead to God any-way
What matters is whether I let it cleanse me
As an alchemist
Transform and purify
8 Jan, 2023,
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I often cry at my diary
Either out of grief or gratitude
God never fails
And when I know it
I can bear Everything
There's nowhere to hide anymore
Everything is a Mirror
And when I am at peace
With Everything
I am happy
This feeling will always belong to me
Even though I know it will pass
However God does care
He rejoices and grieves
Together with me
When I finally don't have to get anywhere
I can finally start
To live
For real
Nothing belongs to me
And Everything is achieved
There is no more victim or a child
No judge or a tyrant
Just love