Sapnis | Dream
13. augusts, 2022 pl. 10:37,
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Mēs varam paiet kādu brīdi kopā
Bet man būs jāiet tālāk
Līdz galam
Kur daži vien aiziet
Tur nebūs nekādu gaviļu, fanfaru un žetonu
Pat ne apsveikumu
Vien klusi skatieni un pietāte
Man tagad ir mazliet jāsteidzas
Un jāiet neatskatoties
Paldies tām dvēselēm, kuras bruģējušas ceļu ar saviem galvaskausiem
Paldies tam magnētam, kurš mani turpina pievilkt
Paldies manai dvēselei, kura nes mani savos plecos un dara smago darbu, lai nogādātu mani cik tālu vien spēj
Tālāk man jāiet pašai
“Celies, ņem savu gultu un staigā!”
Un es eju
Savām kājām
Kaut pēdas brīžiem neskar zemi
Ūdeņi ir sakustējušies
Okeāni iztek no maniem dziļajiem asaru avotiem
Elsu, vaimanu un siekalu jūras
Ceļš ir bijis grūts
Man ļauj atelpoties un atpūsties
Un es pamostos
La Vita | Beverly Glenn-Copeland
We can walk together for a while
But I will have to go further
To the end
Where only a few go
There will be no cheering, no fanfare and no badges
Not even a greeting
Just quiet looks and reverence
I have to hurry a bit now
and to go without looking back
Thanks to those souls who paved the road with their skulls
Thanks to the magnet that keeps pulling me
Thanks to my soul that carries me on its shoulders and does the hard work to deliver me as far as she can go
Further I have to go by myself
“Rise, take up thy bed, and walk!"
And I walk
With my own feet
Even if these hardly touch the ground at times
The waters have stirred
Oceans flow from my deep fountains of tears
Seas of gasps, moans and saliva
The road has been difficult
I am allowed to rest and relax
And I wake up
La Vita | Beverly Glenn-Copeland
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