31. dec. 2020,
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Sniegs ir nokusis, bet gaišums sirdī palicis
Dievs mani kā mazu bērnu pie rokas ir paņēmis
Un ved ārā tumsā pirms rīta ausmas nenoguris
Es nevaicāju, kur, kāpēc, cik ilgi…
Kaut ceļš šķiet neskaidrs un tāls
Es aplūkoju savu Pavadoni tuvāk,
Un viņa vaigs ir rāms
Es ticu viņam arī tad, kad klūpu,
Jo maigi tieku piecelta arvien
Mēs ejam ilgi, un es vairs par to nedomāju
Nav vairs ne sākuma, ne beigu,
Ne steigas
Ir tikai ceļš, kurš top par manām mājām
Mīlestības vēstule
31. dec. 2020,
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Sveiki, draugi, šī trakā gada pēdējā dienā :)
Mani līdz sirds dziļumiem aizkustināja šī rīta mīlestības vēstule no Lutera draudzes un iedvesmoja šajā intīmajā atklāšanās aktā padalīties tālāk.. jo es jau kādu laiku zinu, ka mani procesi nav tikai par mani.
Es neesmu draudzes locekle, es neesmu luterāne. Es sen vairs neesmu arī baznīcā gājēja. Taču manas attiecības ar Dievu ir jau ļoti ilgas un ciešas. Ko tik mēs neesam kopā piedzīvojuši - kādas fāzes un kādas krīzes, šķiršanos un atkal salabšanu! No bērna izpratnes līdz nobriedušām un lolojošām attiecībām.
Ļoti spilgti atceros brīdi, kad 6-7 gadu vecumā Dievs mani aplaimoja ar savu klātbūtni kādā Adventistu baznīcā.. es lidoju un nesapratu, kas ar mani notiek. Šķiet no tā brīža es viņam pieķēros, un viņš ļāva. Un viņš veda. Kā rūpīgs un gādīgs vecāks. Kā Skolotājs. Vēlāk kā mīļotais. Viņš ļāvis sevi saukt daudzos vārdos. Un viņš ļāvis man daudz piedzīvot – gan sāpju, gan priekpilnu brīžu. Esmu pateicīga un pazemīga šīs klātesošās Mīlestības priekšā. Es daudz krītu un ceļos. Nomirstu un piedzimstu. Nemitīgi mācos iemiesot Viņu. Tas ir ceļš, kuram nav ne sākuma, ne beigu.. no izmisuma pilniem kliedzieniem un asarām līdz rāmai pieņemšanai un gavilēm par šo miesas pilno un gar[š]īgo dzīvi.
Pats svarīgākais, ko es no viņa mācos – ir mīlēt jūs, mīlēt sevi, mīlēt visus līdzcilvēkus.. Visus. Bez izņēmuma. Tieši tādus pašus kā es – bieži nobijušos, noslēgušos, sarūgtinātus, dusmīgus, aizvainotus, izmisušus, priecīgus, smieklīgus, starojošus, perfektus un neperfektus. Tik dažādus un tik vienādus. Lai cik tas salkani varbūt izklausītos, mēs patiešām sirds dziļumos mīlam viens otru. Mēs esam sieti mīlestības saitēm.
Es mīlu jūs :) Es arvien mācos pateikt šos vārdus, uzrakstīt to ir vieglāk nekā pateikt skaļi.. es trenējos ar bērniem, es trenējos ar vecākiem, es trenējos ar draugiem.. pateikt patiešām šo tik svarīgo patiesību, kas varbūt bieži mūs ir ievainojusi… es nekad to netiku pateikusi savam brālim pirms viņš nomira. Un tagad es zinu, cik svarīgi ir to dzirdēt un nebaidīties teikt. No sirds.
Es jūs mīlu. Izmantoju šo brīdi kamēr mana sirds ir atvērta, pārpilna un manas subpersonības nav aizbāzušas man muti un atņēmušas datoru :))
Man ir sajūta, ka nākamais gads nebūs vieglāks vai ērtāks.. bet es domāju, ka ar kādu mīlestības gramu bagātāki mēs varēsim palīdzēt ne tikai paši sev, bet arī viens otram.
Paldies par kopā noieto ceļu un Mīlestības pilnu Jauno Gadu!
Butterfly with Caterpillar's mind | Inspiration
12. dec. 2020,
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One day she woke up, stretched, and felt somehow different.
But she did not pay attention to that.
Her mind switched on and she did her daily routines.
She went to work and got busy.
On her way back home, she noticed beautiful butterfly hovering in the air.
She was happy and excited about its appearance.
She admired how graceful and delicate it was.
A painful sensation of deep longing arrived.
She sighed and hoped that one day she will also be able to fly and bring such a beauty into this world.
Another day on her way to work again she noticed that other people were looking at her, smiling and rejoicing.
She got confused and thought something was wrong with her appearance.
She went to window case to examine herself.
What she saw in reflection astonished her.
She got magnificent butterfly wings on her back.
She got scared. How is that possible? Why would she need wings?
How come she didn’t feel them?
It is too much attention and she do not even know how to use them.
She decided to hide them!
Suddenly another butterfly appeared.
Beautifully and playfully flittering around her.
Her heart began to beat faster as she recognised it.
And the next moment by her surprise she was hovering next to it.
Her wings instinctively had lifted her up in the air.
She felt happy to join butterfly’s sacred dance with the gentle wind.
She enjoyed herself. They enjoyed themselves.
And then she knew. She remembered.
Her name was Inspiration.
She was here to inspire people.. to dream and long for their own beautiful wings.
Which they hid under their dark heavy coats and desperate hearts.
Just by being who She Was.

Birthing Myself
15. nov. 2020,
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I am giving birth to myself
I am the mama, and I am the fetus
I want to be reborn in this world
Painful contractions and pushing out
Getting tight
Tension and struggling
Relax and Release
Deep Breathing
And welcoming the Miracle
Ólafur Arnalds | Undone (When we are born)
30. okt. 2020,
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He came into my dream
In the size of a dog
Black, blue, purple shining feathers
He blocked my way
He was there for me
For a special reason
To remind me
That magical moment
I did not engage and turned away
I feared to scare him away
I kneeled and stretched my hand
He came closer and we made a pact
29. okt. 2020,
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I am trying to escape
I am trying to make myself busy
Driving to the city, having a meeting, going on a holiday, looking for another hobby, signing up for another course, watching movies
Uncertainty and discomfort are making me sick
I am trying to avoid unpleasant feeling of hating myself
I am avoiding of taking the responsibility and making a choice
I am refusing unacceptable parts of me
What do I fear?
Of going deeper
Of not knowing how deep the bottom is
I gave up
26. okt. 2020,
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I gave up
On fixing myself
I got exhausted of trying hard to be needed and accepted
Tired of repairing myself as a broken and unwanted thing
I gave up on
Looking for approval and earning love
Making myself better and nicer
I gave up
On all my life’s work
It broke my heart
And I became groundless
Overwhelmed with sadness and grief
And self-destructive thoughts
I fell into the deepest and darkest hole
Still longing and hoping to be whole
19. okt. 2020,
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Polarizācija mūsu prātā izraisa polarizāciju visā sabiedrībā
Savējie un Svešie
Mēs pret Citiem
Mana kastīte un Tava kastīte
Labie un Sliktie
Pareizie un nepareizie
Vērtīgie un nevērtīgie
Masku nēsātāji un masku nīdēji
Atbildīgie un Bezatbildīgie
Drosmīgie un Bailīgie
Sazvērestības teoriju cienītāji un Kritiskā prāta lietotāji
Bļāvēji un pie sevis pukstētāji
Sportisti un Ballētāji
Gudrie un Muļķi
Profesionāļi un Demagogi / Populisti
Utt. U.tjpr.
Es atsakos ieņemt šīs puses un kastītes. Es atsakos būt savējais vai tavējais. Es atsakos iesaistīties raganu medībās, jo mums visiem pamatā ir vienas un tās pašas ciešanas, bailes, sāpes un nevēlēšanās just to, ko mēs jūtam, un es ticu “basic goodness” ikvienā un visos, lai kā mēs to manifestētu..
Es to saku skaļi, jo man tas katru dienu sev jāatgādina. Daudz reižu. Jo es esmu “most people”
A Kiss
10. okt. 2020,
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My Beloved kissed me in my dream
It was something far more than romantic or sexual
It was Divine
I have never experienced such Love
I fell into another reality
And woke up desperately crying from that beauty
Longing to meet him again
8. okt. 2020,
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Vairāk par nāvi man ir bail no kauna
Nāve atbrīvo
Kauns padara nebrīvu
Tas liek piedzīvot tūkstošiem miršanu
Iespiežas katrā ādas porā
Ieritinās vēderā
Un neļauj elpot
Tas iedzen stūrī un liek cīnīties
Shame and guilt are my quilt
5. okt. 2020,
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Es pieredzu ārkārtīgi laimīgus brīžus
Starp tiem, kad atkal krītu sekluma bezdibenī
Mūžīgais dimants atspoguļo tūkstoš saules un
Nebeidzamo mīlētāju deju, kad divi top par vienu.. un atkal atdalās
28. sep. 2020,
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I put my wounds on altar sacredly
And kneeling I bow to them reverently
Every scar, every bruise, every pain of mine I embrace gratefully
For they have taught me all I need:
Modesty, simplicity, and beauty of smallness
Greatness, courage, and resilience
Paradox of Love
Secret of Death
Poetry of Life
28. sep. 2020,
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I am breaking into pieces
And letting them fall on the ground
I am falling apart
And I am not interfering
I am not picking up the crumbs
I will sit patiently and observe the dawn
"You are the fool that blames your flame
But you carry on"
I am not the One
27. sep. 2020,
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I am not the One
I wish I was
But I am not
I want to be Special
But my heart is full of fear and attachments
My vision is unclear
My mind is spinning
Looking for recognition
I do not travel unknown paths
I stick to safety…
KraKraKra – Crow is laughing – sitting on my chimney
27. sep. 2020,
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She called me: Mystery!
I almost jumped and hoped I misheard
I pretended I was busy
I went back to sleep
I tried to forget and went shopping
But my heart pounded and blood rushed to the head
I got dizzy
I cried: No, no, no…
I am Noname, I am nothing special, It’s all too big for me!
And She said: gather your courage and surrender
You have heard the Call
Yes is all there is
Mystery vs Misery
Savvaļas ziediņš
21. sep. 2020,
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Tik smalka un trausla kā pavasara ziediņš
Tā izstīdzējusi no zemes vēl ziemas salos
Es baidos tai uzelpot vai aizskart
Tik brīnišķīga ir tās nevainība
Es šādu sugu neesmu redzējusi
Bet es zinu, ka tā aug tikai brīvībā un savvaļā
Tāpēc es klusi apsēdīšos tai cieši blakus
un vērošu tās svēto uzplaukšanu un ziedēšanu.
As delicate and fragile as a spring flower
It sprouts from the ground
Still in the winter frost.
I'm afraid even to breathe or touch it
Its innocence is so wonderful.
I have never seen such a species
But I know it grows only in freedom and in the wild.
So I will sit quietly next to it
and watch its sacred flourishing and blooming.
When Death comes
16. sep. 2020,
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When Death comes
She tells you a secret which is not a secret:
“There is so much Love behind that Door”
You can barely hold it
You are scared of it as if it was Death
It is overwhelming, you can’t look at it for long, it can make you blind
You can lose yourself in it, you can make fool of yourself and behave silly
You don’t know what to do with it, how to live with it, how to be this vulnerable
It changes everything you know.
Your mind is like a spinning wheel
Trying to put this in order
But there is no
It is warning you and making alert:
“You are in a Great, Great Danger!
It will not last long, it will make you miserable!
This is not a fairytail with a happy ending!”
And you breathe deeply as you are shaking and shivering
Leaning against that door behind you
Oh, it is closed! There is no way back
And you breath deeply to gain courage for this unsafe journey
And make your first shaky steps as a baby scared to fall
In this totally unknown, vast World
But you are curious. You have heard the Call, the Invitation
It is welcoming you softly and tenderly singing old forgotten love song for your Soul
You are in love
Love is all there is
2. sep. 2020,
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My tears and pain are my Truth
My laughter and love are my Truth
My fear and anger are my Truth
My joy and pleasure are my Truth
I am Truth
Without old skin, clothing, and shackles
Naked, exposed, heard and seen
Not even wrapping in my long hair
Pirkumu grozs
Pirkumu grozs ir tukšs.